Earth's Hidden Technological Civilizations: Plural, Not Singular

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

"The power of one, the power of two, the power of many!" While I don't wish to alienate the many Star Wars fans who are disappointed with Disney's "Star Wars: The Acolyte," this quote sprang to mind as I scrolled through the multitude of social media posts about the recent paper from researchers at Harvard and Montana Technological University. Right, Plural, Not Singular when we talk of the joint paper on hidden technological civilizations. So, um... yeah.

Anyhow, this team from Harvard and Montana Tech introduced a provocative hypothesis suggesting the existence of a hidden technological civilization on Earth.

What struck me immediately was their reference to a singular hidden civilization. This is curious because those of us immersed in the ongoing dialogue about UFOs and related phenomena have encountered claims that not only one, but multiple such civilizations might exist.

For example, in 2010, I interviewed a retired USAF colonel who disclosed the presence of a group of Grey aliens residing beneath Mount Archuleta, stretching to Archuleta Mesa. He described their subterranean travel capabilities, enabling them to move to and from LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory).

Is it true? I certainly believe so. But is mine the only opinion on this matter? No, and many people rightly demand more data, more proof to establish an empirical foundation of evidence that would allow them to concur with those of us who are already convinced.

Over at Nellis AFB, there is said to be a community of Tall Whites, and this belief stems from my discussions in 2014 and 2016 with Linda Moulton Howe. I personally hold that there is an advanced group of progenitors dwelling among us, inhabiting highly advanced subterranean facilities that are both known to and supported by world governments under a veil of top-secret agreements.

In conversations with author Constance Victoria Briggs, and tuning into Coast to Coast AM (yes, I'm a Coast Insider member), I find myself aligning with many of her thoughts about the Moon as well. Her book "The Moon's Galactic History" is a treasure trove of insights, portraying the Moon as an inhabited alien world, possibly a massive hollow structure, suggesting a profound connection between Earth and the Moon facilitated by extraterrestrials or perhaps even cryptoterrestrials—earth-based, non-human entities—that have reached technological marvels. It's an enlightening read, and I highly recommend it.

But are these beings disguised as humans? That's one possibility suggested by the recent paper. I believe that, in some cases, if they choose to live among us, these non-human entities would likely see adopting a human guise as their best, if not only, option.

Indeed, there are numerous sightings of Greys, Reptilians, Insectoids, and entities that appear almost human, which could have terrestrial or extraterrestrial origins.

The paper refers to these entities as "cryptoterrestrials." To this, I say, WELCOME. Welcome to the group of us 'normies' who have been asserting this for decades. Yes, many of us, myself included, have long informed academics and governments about the presence of aliens, which may originate from Earth or beyond. It's widely speculated that it might be both.

Even "Star Trek: Voyager" explored the concept of evolved dinosaurs who departed Earth in their own spacecraft millions of years ago. To me, this is not a far-fetched idea. Humans, realistically, have only existed for about 350,000 years with ancestors possessing similar brains, walking upright, and capable of developing industrialism, sciences, medicine, and technological prowess.

In the absence of numerous catastrophic events, these capabilities might have enabled them to advance by hundreds or even thousands of years beyond our current technological level. According to Randall Carlson, a geologist, anthropologist, and historian, cataclysmic events have repeatedly wiped out civilizations, with the Younger Dryas being one such major disaster. 

The evidence found worldwide—from Egypt to Puma Punku—of machine drilling in megalithic structures over 12,500 years ago, and incredible polygonal masonry, suggests that we humans have experienced periods of significant intellectual growth and advancement. This highlights what other terrestrial species could have achieved millions of years before us.

Reflect on that.

Today, the collaborative paper from Harvard and Montana Technological University is founded on the unexplained sightings of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs. Indeed, this is something we've long reported to MUFON, the Air Force, the US Army, and local and regional law enforcement. Thankfully, it seems they are finally paying attention.

The very individual I discussed in my book *UFO Nexus*, former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch, claimed that the US has recovered alien spacecraft. I dedicated a detailed chapter to the 1933 incident in Magenta, Italy, discussing our current possession of what was found there.

Recently, NASA has initiated research into mysterious, high-speed objects observed by military pilots. This is a positive shift, considering that previously, the stigma surrounding UFOs was enough to deter organizations like NASA and prominent academic institutions from taking such claims seriously, despite credible reports from individuals like Betty and Barney Hill in 1961, Lonnie Zamora in 1964, numerous witnesses across Phoenix, AZ in 1997, and Stephenville, TX in 2008. Fortunately, figures such as Dr. Leo Sprinkle and organizations like MUFON have been there for us over the years to seriously address the well-documented incidents and interactions of people with either craft, non-human entities, or both.

While several Pentagon reports have yet to confirm evidence of extraterrestrial life, the recent report from Harvard and Montana Technological University encourages us to look beyond the previous ineptitude or apparent unwillingness to present the truth through acknowledgment of UFO/UAP and non-human interactions.

The military has finally seemed to acknowledge events that fall outside their usual operating realm. Figures like Kevin Day, David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves have all confirmed what many of us have long suspected, or in some cases, known.

So, let's delve into it. Just what does the paper speculate on? What are the possibilities it presents to us as very real?

First, the paper suggests the existence of a remnant of an ancient advanced human civilization, positing it as a very high possibility. Indeed, throughout history, numerous accounts have surfaced about non-human entities and sophisticated civilizations hidden in deep caves. Some theories even propose that Antarctica harbors archaeological evidence of ancient civilizations, remaining undetected by humans since the last Ice Age. Recent images from Google Earth have revealed a massive entrance beneath the snow and ice, complete with steps ascending into it, lending credence to these intriguing theories.

Second, it proposes the idea of an intelligent species evolved from "intelligent dinosaurs," akin to the storyline seen in "Distant Origin," the 65th episode of Star Trek: Voyager. I believe that in this article, as well as in my book *UFO Highway 2.0*, I present sufficient data to support this possibility. Furthermore, I explore discussions on Greys and Progenitors, including Greys with reptilian genetic traits that were artificially created, and Reptilians themselves.

Third, the paper speculates on the existence of hidden occupants from another planet or time period. If this is the direction of their thought process, they might be leading us into discussions about Ultraterrestrials, an aspect of the interdimensional hypothesis with its modern origins in John Keel's *The Eight Tower*, which explores these phenomena. He also discusses the Mothman, another potential cryptoterrestrial.

Finally, they describe beings that are "less technological than magical," referred to as "earthbound angels." This concept leads into the three-part article series I wrote, titled "Unearthly Revelations: The UFO-Faith Enigma," found exclusively on UFO CURRENTS. In this series, I intertwine the provocative insights of Lou Elizondo, Joe Jordan, and Dr. Jacques Vallée, painting a complex picture of the UFO phenomenon and its impact on human belief systems.

The paper also suggests that UFO sightings might involve these beings using underground or underwater bases. It’s hard to argue against this when the majority of reported military sightings occur over areas like Dulce, New Mexico, Nellis AFB near Area 51, Beale AFB in Northern California, and in populous areas of New York and Texas. Even remote regions of the country have yielded many of the most compelling reports and physical evidence captured on film or video. Goodness, even former House Representative Mike Gallagher has suggested that UFO sightings might be attributable to an ancient civilization reemerging.

The paper extensively speculates that these concealed beings could assume non-human forms, such as primates or reptiles. The late Ed Grimsley, the pioneer of UFO Night Vision Skywatching, shared with myself and Ric Prestel of MUFON-Sacramento back in 2012 that he was aware of a close encounter involving a human-like primate entity near a UFO in Northern California during his youth. He even went public with this account on Jerry Pippin's late-night radio show.

On Earth, there's plenty to ponder, but what about the moon? Some theories outlined in the paper propose that these beings might also be concealing themselves on the Moon. This ties in closely with the work of my friend and Coast to Coast AM alumna, Constance, whose book's subtitle, "A Look at the Moon's Extraterrestrial Past and its Connection to Earth," hints at such possibilities. We are left to wonder if the UAPs we observe might originate from hidden bases and unknown non-human entities on the Moon.

Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb has speculated about ancient civilizations on planets like Mars or Earth, which may have existed billions of years apart. While I may not be a renowned expert, I've extensively written on this very premise. I believe that the data I've synthesized over the years supports the idea that such ancient civilizations could have existed chronologically distant from one another, with remnants of both possibly still existing today as non-human entities.

Lastly, it is crucial to acknowledge that the researchers themselves consider these hypotheses to be far-fetched and recommend approaching them with skepticism. However, they also argue that these ideas merit consideration due to the unusual nature of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

Folks, we see them. We know that something unexplained is happening all around us and across the globe, and perhaps even on the Moon. Consider that even China is currently conducting scientific and geological surveys there. This continuous exploration and these ongoing discussions only add layers to our understanding and speculation about these mysteries.

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Anthony is the author of the books ‘UFO Nexus‘, and ‘UFO Highway 2.0‘,


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