Navigating the Future: Understanding AI, Robotics, and Our Path Forward

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents People often find themselves muddled between the realms of robotics and artificial intelligence. Allow me to clarify: "Robots and AI are distinct entities; robots are not synonymous with AI, and AI is not synonymous with robotics." Robots are tangible devices governed by sets of instructions coded into firmware, akin to an integrated circuit. On the other hand, artificial intelligence (AI) is software driven by programming, often utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Large Language Models (LLM). This enables the software to engage in deep learning, accumulating vast amounts of knowledge over time. Moreover, it employs predictive model programming based on its historical interactions with humans to refine its ability to deliver human-like responses. What sets apart NLP from LLM? Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on enabling computers to understand,...