
The LaGuardia UFO Incident: Prompting An Urgent Need for UFO Transparency

  By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents I recently conducted a thorough research effort on this UFO case by reviewing all available materials, watching videos from the witnesses, and examining analyses from relevant UFO experts. What struck me most was the transparency, authenticity, and remarkably clear evidence presented. This leads me to confidently conclude that this incident is neither a hoax, a mere insect on the lens, nor any other mundane explanation. Rather, it points to the genuine possibility of a real unidentified flying object. Yes, in the clear blue skies above New York City, a mystery unfolded that captured the imagination and concern of those who witnessed it. Michelle Reyes, while aboard a commercial flight approaching LaGuardia Airport on March 25, recorded a fleeting glimpse of what appeared to be a cylindrical object speeding across the skyline. This incident, which might have been dismissed by some as a fleeting anomaly, has instead un

Navigating the Future: Understanding AI, Robotics, and Our Path Forward

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents People often find themselves muddled between the realms of robotics and artificial intelligence. Allow me to clarify: "Robots and AI are distinct entities; robots are not synonymous with AI, and AI is not synonymous with robotics." Robots are tangible devices governed by sets of instructions coded into firmware, akin to an integrated circuit. On the other hand, artificial intelligence (AI) is software driven by programming, often utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Large Language Models (LLM). This enables the software to engage in deep learning, accumulating vast amounts of knowledge over time. Moreover, it employs predictive model programming based on its historical interactions with humans to refine its ability to deliver human-like responses. What sets apart NLP from LLM? Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on enabling computers to understand,

UFO Currents' Leap to Reddit for Enhanced UAP Dialogue

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents Big news from the UFO Currents camp—we're hitting up Reddit, and it's going to be epic! Reddit's like this massive playground for anyone who's into UFOs, UAPs, or just the big, wide, unknown out there. Think of it as the ultimate hangout spot for us cosmos nerds, skeptics, and all the brilliant minds in between. The move to Reddit? It's all about you guys. I've seen how much you love diving deep into the mysteries of the universe, and guess what? Reddit's buzzing with folks just like us. We're talking a whole new level of connection, sharing our best stories, theories, and maybe even cracking some of those cosmic puzzles together. So, what's the plan? We're going to kick off some awesome discussions, drop some mind-blowing articles, and really get into the thick of it with the Reddit crowd. It's the perfect chance for us to dig deeper than ever before, all while being part of

UAP Disclosure: An Impasse, Amidst Official Pentagon Denials And Think Tank Advocacy

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents In a recent, comprehensive report, the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office ( AARO ) confidently asserted that there's no evidence of alien technology in the myriad of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) sightings investigated.  This assertion, encapsulated in the "Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Volume I," aimed to set the record straight on the government's position regarding UAPs.  According to AARO and NASA's UAP study team, a significant number of these sightings could simply be misinterpretations of mundane objects , a situation exacerbated by the lack of comprehensive data. This proclamation comes at a time when the discourse around UAPs and their potential extraterrestrial origins is gaining momentum, thanks in part to organizations like ' The Sol Foundation Initiative for UAP Research and Po

A Perspective on God and Extraterrestrial Life

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents As a dedicated UFO researcher, I venture into the vastness of the sky, seeking not just scientific truths but the pulse of the mysterious. The concept of God, an eternal subject of human contemplation, often aligns with the esoteric and profound mysteries of the cosmos.  Albert Einstein, a luminary in the world of physics, famously did not subscribe to the notion of a personal God but instead revered the intricate structure of the universe unveiled through our growing scientific understanding—a sentiment shared by those of us who chase the enigma of extraterrestrial life. He once expressed, " I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. "  What if the pursuit of extraterrestrial life is not just about discovering the unknown but about unraveling the fabric of divinity itself? This question is not new.  Stephen Hawking, a visionary in theoretical physics, specu

Sacred, Eternal, and Unchanging: YHVH (יהוה), the Dragon

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents In this article, my aim is to explore the widespread phenomenon of "The Dragon", delving into their cultural and historical significance across the globe. In the Torah, the Tetragrammaton, YHVH (יהוה), stands as the unpronounceable, sacred name of God, embodying the eternal and immutable essence of the divine. Intriguingly, some interpretations within traditional Jewish texts metaphorically envision YHVH as a dragon. This unique perspective prompts the question: why does this interpretation exist, and what does it signify within a broader cultural and historical context? This intriguing interpretation has led me to delve deeper into the origins and implications of viewing God in such a unique light. It raises questions about the sacred and immutable nature of divinity as depicted in Judaic texts. Therefore, I embarked on a scholarly journey, engaging with biblical commentaries and religious studies, to unrave

The UFO Coffee Cup Conundrum

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents Let's talk about the slightly less harmonious symphony that is the unity (or lack thereof) in the Ufological Community. My personal journey within has been one of profound discovery and connection, offering insights into mysteries that have long intrigued me and many others. This community, driven by a quest for understanding the unknown, has been a source of fascination and growth, helping to shape my perspective on the world. However, there are moments that underscore a less admirable aspect of this field: a tendency towards pettiness and exclusion. I've observed an unsettling pattern where individuals, initially extending the hand of friendship, later act in ways that betray the spirit of collaboration and openness. Recently, two individuals exemplified this disappointing behavior, metaphorically dropping a freshly poured "coffee cup" of goodwill, shattering it with actions that, while seemingly mi