Earth's Hidden Technological Civilizations: Plural, Not Singular

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher For UFO Currents "The power of one, the power of two, the power of many!" While I don't wish to alienate the many Star Wars fans who are disappointed with Disney's "Star Wars: The Acolyte," this quote sprang to mind as I scrolled through the multitude of social media posts about the recent paper from researchers at Harvard and Montana Technological University. Right, Plural, Not Singular when we talk of the joint paper on hidden technological civilizations. So, um... yeah. Anyhow, this team from Harvard and Montana Tech introduced a provocative hypothesis suggesting the existence of a hidden technological civilization on Earth. What struck me immediately was their reference to a singular hidden civilization. This is curious because those of us immersed in the ongoing dialogue about UFOs and related phenomena have encountered claims that not only one, but multiple such civilizations mi...