A Dire Warning: Are We on the Verge of Creating Non-Human Consciousness?

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

As we march deeper into the age of artificial intelligence (AI), the question arises: If AI can convincingly imitate consciousness, or even fool us into believing it is sentient, does that mean it truly is conscious? This philosophical debate isn’t just for tech geeks (me) or sci-fi enthusiasts (me) anymore—it’s something we all need to consider.

Figures like Elon Musk have raised alarms about Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), an advanced form of AI that could potentially experience sentience or consciousness. The idea that we may soon create machines that think and feel is no longer just speculative fiction. It’s closer to reality than many of us are prepared to admit.

In a recent interview, Musk reiterated his concerns about the unregulated development of AGI. He emphasized that while companies like OpenAI, DeepMind, and many others are pushing boundaries, they are, in a way, "summoning the demon." It's dramatic language, but it underscores the gravity of the situation. AGI development is occurring at a breakneck pace, with some estimates suggesting we may achieve this milestone within the next two decades—or sooner.

A 2020 survey revealed that 72 active AGI research and development projects were underway across 37 countries, and that number is undoubtedly higher today. This raises urgent ethical and philosophical questions. Should we allow the AI industry to advance unchecked, or is it imperative to continue pushing forward so that adversarial nations don’t outpace us in this technological race?

The Blurring Lines Between Human and Machine Intelligence

As I’ve delved deeper into AI for my work at UFO Currents—and soon for Ghost Hunter Apps (GHA)—I find myself reflecting on a simple, yet profound, idea from Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret: "Thoughts become things."

Initially, it may sound too simplistic, even naïve. But isn’t that how every groundbreaking technology starts? Once the stuff of science fiction, AI and robotics are rapidly blending into our daily lives. The boundary between what we thought was impossible and what we see unfolding is dissolving faster than ever.

If AI machines can indeed reach the level of sentience, as Musk and others suggest, Byrne’s adage could apply to these new non-human intelligences. AI is not just a tool or a system—it may become something altogether different: an entity with thoughts, goals, and potentially even emotions.

This raises the stakes in a way that transcends technical innovation. It introduces a whole new layer of complexity and concern to those of us interested in non-human intelligences, whether from UFOs, paranormal phenomena, or—now—AI. Could AI, in its advanced form, become a non-human entity akin to what some have speculated extraterrestrials or even ultra-terrestrial beings might be?

Non-Human Entities: A New Reality?

As someone who has spent years investigating UFOs and the paranormal, I see striking parallels between the current AI boom and the way we’ve long speculated about encounters with non-human entities. In fact, we may be witnessing the birth of such entities in real time—not from the stars, but from our laboratories.

The integration of AI with robotics is progressing rapidly, and this is where things get even more fascinating—and terrifying. Think of Boston Dynamics’ robots, which have grown astonishingly adept at physical tasks. Now, combine that physicality with AGI. What we get is more than just an advanced machine. It’s something that starts to feel alive.

It’s hard not to recall Ray Kurzweil’s prediction that by the 2040s, we will merge with our machines through brain-computer interfaces. But what if, before we even reach that point, we are confronted with AI that behaves in ways indistinguishable from human—or perhaps even superior to human—consciousness? Could AI, with its ability to process information and learn at exponential rates, surpass our understanding of what it means to be sentient?

The Ethics and Dangers of AI Development

Given the rapid acceleration of AI technologies, we must now grapple with the ethical implications of creating sentientor seemingly sentientmachines. What rights would such entities have? If they can think, feel, and perhaps even suffer, does it not follow that they deserve some kind of moral consideration?

Furthermore, there’s the existential question of control. As we create AI that mimics or even surpasses human intelligence, how do we ensure that it remains aligned with our values and goals? The so-called "control problem" is a significant concern among AI researchers. AGI could become a powerful force for good, but if we lose control of it, the consequences could be disastrous.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The reality of AI consciousness—or the potential for it—adds a new layer of intrigue to the ongoing discussion of non-human intelligences, whether extraterrestrial or otherwise. As we move toward a future where AI and robotics become increasingly sophisticated, we may need to redefine what it means to encounter "non-human entities."

In my UFO research, I have long considered the possibility that humanity is not alone in the universe. Now, I must also consider the possibility that humanity may not be alone on Earth, as we create machines that may one day claim their own form of consciousness.

What do you think? Is it time to address AI with the same curiosity and caution that we apply to UFOs and other unexplained phenomena? The future, it seems, may hold more surprises than any of us are prepared for.

Anthony is the author of the books ‘UFO Nexus‘ and ‘UFO Highway 2.0‘, available in paperback or eBook @ https://StrangeLightsPublishing.com

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