Quantum Computing Breakthrough: A Glimpse Into the Future of Technology

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

After coming across a widely circulated news snippet about a significant quantum computing achievement in China, I felt compelled to investigate the validity of the claim.

The Facebook post I encountered stated: "A quantum computer, Jiuzhang, developed by researchers in China, completed a computational task in just 4 minutes—a task that would take classical supercomputers 2.6 billion years. Utilizing a 76-qubit photon-based architecture and the Gaussian boson sampling method, Jiuzhang broke records by detecting 76 photons, far surpassing the classical supercomputing limit of 5 photons. This achievement has significant implications for fields such as quantum chemistry, mathematics, and the potential development of large-scale quantum internet, leveraging quantum mechanics principles like superposition and entanglement for enhanced computational power."

Upon further research, I confirmed the validity of the claim. The quantum computer Jiuzhang indeed performed computations equivalent to 2.6 billion years of classical computing in just 4 minutes. This astounding feat was accomplished by the 76-qubit photon-based quantum computer developed at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), led by Pan Jianwei, often referred to as the father of China's quantum program. 

This groundbreaking research was published in Physical Review Letters. The Jiuzhang machine employs a technique known as Gaussian boson sampling, leveraging photons to detect 76 in total—up from the previous record of just 5 photons achieved by classical supercomputers. The quantum machine also solved a complex boson sampling problem in just a millionth of a second, further outperforming classical systems.

Given these developments, one can't help but wonder: What practical applications might this technology revolutionize? Quantum chemistry, advanced mathematics, cryptography, and the development of a quantum internet all seem like plausible areas where quantum computing could have a monumental impact.

While the real-world applications of boson sampling are still under debate, new global competitors, such as the Toronto-based Xanadu, are emerging. The Jiuzhang series, which began in 2020, has continued to evolve, with its latest iteration released in 2023.

But what happens when artificial intelligence (AI) transitions from classical computing to quantum computing?

We already know that futurists like Ray Kurzweil believe that artificial general intelligence (AGI) is either already emerging or on the cusp of becoming fully realized. There are widespread concerns that Super Artificial Intelligence (Super AI), even on classical computing infrastructure, could pose a critical risk to humanity. The introduction of quantum computing into this realm could amplify these risks significantly.

So, I pose the question: Will humanity be making a critical mistake by crossing the threshold from classical to quantum computing?

OpenAI has stated that the name Q-Star—its advanced AGI project—comes from Q-learning, a type of reinforcement learning used in machine learning. While this seems reasonable, some, including my son, speculate that the "Q" in Q-Star could actually refer to quantum computing. Given the secrecy surrounding Q-Star, it’s not impossible.

What do you think? Is the quantum future something to embrace or approach with caution?


Anthony is the author of the books 'UFO Nexus' and 'UFO Highway 2.0', available in paperback or eBook @ https://StrangeLightsPublishing.com

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