Programmers: Stop Freaking Out—You and Your Job Are Safe

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a programmer or you know one. They might work with C#, Python, Java, Mojo, or any of the popular languages that dominate the corporate and academic scenes today. I’m a programmer too, and my journey into the world of software development began in 1980 when I was ten years old. My dad bought me a Commodore VIC-20, and that moment changed my life forever. My father always emphasized the importance of education, particularly in the sciences, mathematics, and other fields that broaden our minds for the betterment of society and our futures. However, neither he nor I could have predicted that after 40 years of coding—starting my professional career in 1994—I would, in 2024, face the challenge of an AI-driven world that has me and fellow programmers questioning whether the very technologies we create could put us out of a job.

Have I written AI code? Yes, I have.

My journey with AI began with Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), a precursor of things to come. This eventually led to my own 2023 chatbot project, OMEN, where I developed classes for Natural Language Understanding, Dynamic Response Generation, and handling various input types. I wrote this in C# and deployed it across multiple platforms, primarily Unity 3D, and even as a command-line application. My coding skills enabled my chatbot to interpret and respond to user input, facilitating more natural and effective interactions.

I’ve also ventured into Large Language Model (LLM) development. In 2023, I created a C# program that implemented a small LLM using the Catalyst NLP library, integrated with Mosaik.Core. This program was designed to serve as a simple chatbot that processes and analyzes user input by tokenizing text, tagging parts of speech (POS), and recognizing named entities. What made it remarkable was the ability to feed it a series of tokens on any subject, enabling the LLM and NLP to specialize in specific areas, tailored to the needs of whoever acquired the project. NLP is Natural Language Programming.

For instance, in 2024, I presented at the MUFON International Symposium, where I introduced the concept of using an LLM to hyper-focus on all things ufological (UFOlogy). This approach could help us research the vast amounts of disparate data from around the world, collected into repositories, and assist in solving lifelong mysteries that persist to this very day.

The audience at the symposium was very receptive to my ideas, and I walked away truly grateful to both MUFON and the attendees. I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to give kudos to Trenton "Toner" Simshauser, a former USAF pilot, who provided invaluable insight into the AI presentation I delivered and emphasized its importance. He and a former NASA employee highlighted how AI could play a crucial role for pilots operating in our skies amid emerging UAP encounters, similar to how pilots like David Fravor and Ryan Graves shared their concerns and experiences with UAPs before the U.S. Congress.

But, let's shift to programming.

Given my experience and background, I believe I'm well-qualified to share an informed opinion on this subject. I've also written extensively about AI on my website, UFO Currents. While the site is primarily focused on UFO phenomena, my work as an engineer and programmer often intersects with discussions on how emerging AI technology could relate to advanced UAP technology.

For instance, in our UFO meetings, we frequently discuss how crafts like the TicTac UFO—which reportedly generate extreme G-forces that would be lethal to humans—might involve advanced AI systems or technologies beyond our current understanding. And of course, non-human entities; perhaps entirely technological.

So, let's get to the crux of the matter: Are our programming jobs at risk of disappearing?

According to futurist Ray Kurzweil, the answer is no. He suggests that while AI will transform many aspects of our work, it won't eliminate the need for human programmers. As a programmer, I find this perspective both reassuring and worth considering. After all, it was Kurzweil who, with high accuracy, predicted many—if not nearly all—of the developments we are witnessing today in the information and AI age.

Ray Kurzweil's Vision: A Bright Future for Programmers Amid the AI Age

So, who is Ray Kurzweil? He’s a renowned futurist and advocate for the integration of technology with human intelligence. He offers what I believe (as do many others) is an optimistic perspective on the future of programming and the broader impact of AI on human evolution. In his March 12th, 2024 conversation with Joe Rogan, Kurzweil emphasized that while AI's advancement might seem like a threat to jobs and human capabilities, it is, in fact, an opportunity for growth and enhancement.

He suggests that just as humans evolved from simpler creatures, we are now on the brink of another significant evolutionary leap—this time driven by technology. He draws an analogy to how we, as humans, wouldn’t have objected to evolving from shrews into beings with far greater capabilities. Similarly, the integration of AI into our lives will make us smarter and more capable, allowing us to perform tasks more efficiently and enjoyably than ever before.

During their discussion, a central concern raised by both was the potential for AI to displace jobs, particularly in fields like programming. As a programmer, that was what I was waiting for—what I needed to hear. Objectively, I know there are arguments for both sides of the conversation. But as a critical thinker, I want to hear both sides so I can, as a member of the programming workforce, understand if their ideas on this matter align with my own.

Kurzweil acknowledges that large language models (LLMs) are already capable of coding, and as these models improve, they could replace human coders. However, he views this not as a threat but as an augmentation of human intelligence. By merging with AI, humans can enhance their cognitive abilities, making themselves "smarter" and more efficient.

People Merging with AI?

Let's take a moment to think about this. Today, one of the tools making waves in the programming world is GitHub CoPilot, which is an AI-powered coding assistant used by developers to help write, suggest, and optimize code across various programming languages. And if you've followed Nick Chapsas on YouTube like I have, you would know that when ChatGPT emerged and was immediately recognized as a programming powerhouse, it sparked widespread fear. However, those who are confident in their skills and open to new ideas tend to align with the perspective of Kurzweil, myself, and Chapsas. We see the need to evolve alongside the emerging technologies as we enter this AI age, often referred to as the "uncanny valley."

Wait, what? The uncanny valley? Yes, it's that term describing the discomfort or eerie feeling people experience when they encounter something almost, but not quite, human-like. (My kid told me so.)

But Kurzweil’s optimism lies in his belief that AI won’t compete with humans but will integrate with us, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits both. He suggests this integration will eventually extend to our brains, where AI will enhance our neural connections, making us smarter instantly. While this might sound like science fiction, Kurzweil argues it’s a natural progression in our technological evolution.

Hold on—Are We Really Talking About Elon Musk’s Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Technology Here?

Well, not exactly. But who’s to say that in the future, I might need to integrate the latest .NET namespaces, syntax standards, and hyper-algorithmic computational capabilities just to stay relevant in the job market? A true Cyberpunk future, perhaps? If it comes to that, and if I can afford it, then sure, maybe I will. Perhaps others will too. But we’ll still have to worry about paying rent, mortgages, car payments, utilities, groceries, and more. Could that reality hit us hard? Yes, maybe. And only then will we truly be able to answer that question.

Which brings me to the next matter... You see, Joe Rogan, in these discussions, expresses the natural human apprehension towards such profound changes, comparing the potential impact of AI to the revolutionary changes brought about by the internet—only on a much larger scale. And while people might fear this transformation, Rogan and Kurzweil agree that it seems inevitable, a continuation of humanity’s unique ability to create and advance technology.

I do too. So, um... Did I mention that you are already a human-tech hybrid, and you don't even realize it?

Right. If we look into Kurzweil’s perspective on AI, he offers reassurance to those concerned about their future in a world increasingly influenced by AI. He argues that instead of viewing AI as a competitor, we should see it as a tool that enhances our abilities and creates new opportunities. The skills and creativity of programmers, he suggests, will not become obsolete but will evolve in tandem with AI, leading to a future where humans and machines work together in harmony.

To put it simply, we spend our days with our faces buried in screens—whether we're at work, at home, in school, at the movies, or anywhere else. When smartphones became essential and the old analog devices faded away, that’s when we truly began to merge with technology. The constant scrolling of endless data became a part of our lives, whether we were actively communicating or not. The merging of human and tech was born.

So, What Will This Future Job Market Look Like? 

Is it something we’re ready for, or do we need to start preparing now? For programmers and related fields, this future is one of transformation, not obsolescence. As AI and automation become more integrated into the workplace, the nature of programming work will shift toward problem-solving, creativity, and strategic thinking. Programmers who embrace these changes, continue to learn, and adapt to new technologies will not only secure their place in the job market but also play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology and society.

Yes, some jobs we do today will disappear, but many new roles and opportunities will undoubtedly emerge.

AI tools like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT are already showing their ability to assist in coding by suggesting code snippets, optimizing algorithms, and even identifying bugs.

As you write, the AI examines. During this process, you learn, it learns, and together, you and the AI identify areas for improvement. This new human-tech hybrid approach allows you to master your craft and evolve to a higher level of coding expertise.

In the future, these tools will become even more sophisticated, potentially handling much of the routine coding work. Programmers will increasingly rely on AI to manage the "grunt work," freeing them to focus on more complex and creative aspects of software development.

But How Does This Benefit You and Your Employer?

How do they gain from you becoming a human-tech hybrid? It’s simple: the shift moves you from just coding to also problem-solving and offering strategic insights. No, you might not be the top boss at the company—heck, I know I'm not—but the point is that, even with tech leads and IT managers in place, programmers like us can still contribute significantly. As AI handles the syntax and integration into new platform paradigms, you're now free to elevate your role by focusing on problem-solving and strategic thinking. This benefits your employer and strengthens your position within the company.

Remember, you’re not just a programmer—you’re a Hybrid!

Now, Let's Talk About Something That Might Seem Daunting but Is Actually Exciting: The "Rise of New Specializations."

No, this isn’t Terminator or some dystopian sci-fi scenario; it’s about the positive and beneficial changes coming to our programming world through advancements in engineering. Let me explain.

As AI becomes more deeply integrated into software systems, there will be an increasing demand for specialists who can design, train, and maintain AI models. These roles will require a strong understanding of data science, machine learning algorithms, and AI ethics.

With AI's growing influence, there will also be a need for professionals who specialize in AI ethics and governance. 

Consider the roles of Project Management Professionals (PMPs) and Business Analysts (BAs) today. These specializations are already incorporating AI governance and management into their certification curricula. This ensures that professionals have the right knowledge for the evolving job market. These individuals will be responsible for ensuring that AI systems are developed and deployed responsibly, minimizing biases and protecting user privacy. Just as in their traditional roles, AI development will continue to follow methodologies like waterfall, agile, and release management for sprint work, just as we know today and can expect in the near future.

Human-AI Collaboration

Right, once again, you are a hybrid. Wait, what? Plain and simple—no need to freak out. Not until Elon puts that BCI chip in our heads. Just kidding. Okay, but what does Human-AI Collaboration mean, exactly?

As AI tools become more ubiquitous, there will be a rise in interdisciplinary roles that require collaboration between programmers and professionals from other fields. For example, programmers might work closely with psychologists to design more intuitive AI interfaces or with legal experts to ensure compliance with AI regulations.

Remember HIPAA? Back in the day, that turned my world upside down as a programmer. I had to recreate countless Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems that required overhauling. If you're familiar with it, imagine how we faced a new wave of uncertainty on how our clients would react and what legal considerations would be necessary. Sort of like today, as we dive into the AI age. We’re wondering what will be required of us as programmers and the related fields that drive our industry and keep our job market stable.

I think future Hybrid Roles are the key. No, you’re not a robot. Not yet. Jesus, I keep thinking of Elon and his BCI. Ugh. But hey, if it makes me rich? Yay.

And this notion of hybridization isn’t just about us programmers as human-tech hybrids; it’s about the emergence of hybrid roles that combine traditional programming with expertise in fields like biology, finance, or healthcare. These roles will require programmers to apply their coding skills in specialized domains, developing solutions tailored to specific industry needs.

We can call them Hybrid-Light roles. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But those are the hybrids we programmers will be up against in the softball or cricket tournament once all this AI craziness settles down and we’re all comfy in our jobs during the AI age.

Academics—Continuous Learning

It’s not just the private sector that will benefit from the AI age—academic bodies of all types will get in on the action too. From universities to private certification programs, and maybe even elementary to high schools, we’re going to see courses on Continuous Learning for AI. These programs will equip those who dive in with the certifications and degrees they need to thrive in the workforce.

Think of Continuous Learning as the inevitable result of the AI age's rapid pace of technological change. It means that programmers (and others) will need to commit to lifelong learning. But let’s be honest—we’re already doing that. The difference now is that it might involve constantly updating your AI knowledge, learning new programming languages, tools, and frameworks, and staying on top of the latest trends not just in AI but also in machine learning.

The Pandemic. Wait, What?

Remember when the pandemic hit in 2020 and suddenly everyone was working from home? That’s when we all got a crash course in Globalization and Remote Work. Many of us programmers ditched the office and became part of Distributed Teams. And guess what? That trend is here to stay. Programmers are likely to work in increasingly distributed teams, collaborating with colleagues across different time zones and cultural contexts. That means strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively in virtual environments are going to be more important than ever.

So, What’s This Got to Do with AI?

Well, as remote work becomes more common, the job market for programmers is going global. Sure, that could mean more competition, but it also means more opportunities to work for companies anywhere in the world. And with AI, we’re going to see a lot of new companies emerge—not necessarily more Open AI or Grok types, but companies that will innovate using AI and need to assemble the best possible teams, no matter where the talent is.

But Hey, What About Cybersecurity? Is That Still a Thing?

You bet it is. As AI and automation become more pervasive, the need for robust cybersecurity measures will only grow. There’s going to be a big demand for cybersecurity experts who can protect AI systems from hacking, ensure data privacy, and mitigate the risks associated with AI-driven decision-making.

And Data Scientists? Are They Still Going to Be Around?

Absolutely. The rise of AI is going to boost demand for data scientists who can analyze vast amounts of data to train AI models and derive actionable insights. As companies become more data-driven, expertise in data management, analytics, and AI model evaluation will be crucial.

And Let’s Not Forget About DevOps and Cloud Computing. Because, You Know... Stuff.

As an older dude who started professionally back in 1994, I’ve seen the last thirty years take me from VB3 on Windows 3.11 to C# in the AWS cloud. Microservices? Oh yeah. The shift toward cloud-based infrastructures is only going to get stronger, with DevOps professionals playing a crucial role in automating deployment, monitoring, and scaling applications. Understanding cloud platforms and tools will be essential to ensuring that AI and other software systems run smoothly and efficiently.

So, folks, I’m not buying into the fear-mongering about programmers losing their jobs. And I’m not worried about the PMPs and BAs either—they, along with the nice management people, will still have a place in the AI age, as long as they keep learning.

This is about job evolution, not job elimination. The opportunities for innovation with the help of our new hybrid techno-AI reality are going to skyrocket. We’ll all be living in SpaceX Starships, or something. Maybe in Star Trek themed hotels; yeah, that sounds cool.

But the integration of AI into programming opens up new avenues for innovation. Clearly, it does—because there are always going to be next year’s new millionaires. The programmers who are willing to embrace these changes and develop new skills will find themselves at the forefront of technological advancement, driving the next wave of innovation in fields as diverse as healthcare, finance, entertainment, manufacturing, and so many others.

And seriously, while some traditional programming jobs may become less prevalent, the overall demand for tech professionals is likely to grow. New job roles will emerge, and existing ones will evolve, with an emphasis on collaboration with AI, strategic thinking, and specialized expertise.

The Future Job Market for Programmers and Related Fields Is One of Transformation, Not Obsolescence.

As we watch the news each day, we see AI and automation become more integrated into the workplace. Thus, and I truly believe this, the nature of programming work will evolve, with a greater emphasis on problem-solving, creativity, and strategic thinking.

In conclusion, Kurzweil’s vision is one of hope and opportunity. While the rise of AI may challenge traditional job roles, it also offers the potential for humans to achieve greater intelligence and capability than ever before. The future of programming is not one of obsolescence but of transformation—where programmers become integral to the development and management of the very technologies that will shape our collective future.

But please, Universe, if you're listening, let there be work for us programmers. And no brain chips—unless they’re safe and make us all rich enough to buy Elon's Cybertrucks.



Joe Rogan Experience #2117 - Ray Kurzweil. (2024). PowerfulJRE.
Available at:
[Accessed 19 Aug. 2024]. 


Anthony is the author of the books ‘UFO Nexus‘ and ‘UFO Highway 2.0‘, available in paperback or eBook @ 


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  1. Hey guys!

    If you're a programmer, know a programmer, or are just curious about how AI will impact the job market, I want to hear from you! What are your thoughts on this?

    Are we really heading towards a future where robots and AI take over all our jobs?

    There's a lot of fear and uncertainty about this new AI age that's just beginning to take shape.

    So, let's talk! Do you think AI and robotics are a real threat, or are we overreacting?

    Personally, I believe we'll be okay. Yes, there will be changes, but I think new types of jobs and specializations will emerge, especially in IT.

    But what about other industries like food service, automation, healthcare? Will robots and AI take over those too, or is this fear blown out of proportion?

    Share your thoughts!


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