The Egg UAP and NHI: Could They Be Angels, Demons, or Both?
By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents
Hear me out. As you know, last year I wrote a three-part series on my website, UFO Currents, titled The UFO Faith Enigma.
In part one, I offered a critical perspective, distinguishing between faith-driven interpretations and tangible evidence. In part two, I analyzed data that raised a profound question: Are aliens demonic or divine? And in part three, upon reflecting on parts one and two, I explored the nexus between faith and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
For over a decade, I have carefully considered the many prevalent pieces of visible and empirical evidence that have led me to the belief that our ancestors—when describing religious encounters, divine inspiration, and profound spiritual experiences—may have actually been witnessing what we now recognize as non-human intelligence (NHI).
Whether we call them aliens, spirits, or something else, these encounters push us into both paranormal and religious discussions.
To illustrate my point, allow me to share a passage from The Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch, a Jewish text written in the first century CE. It describes two striking theophanic experiences—visible manifestations of God—centered around the motif of the divine face.
The first of these occurs in 2 Enoch (Second Enoch) 22:7, which portrays Enoch's encounter with the Lord in "the celestial realm."
Enoch recounts:
"I saw the view of the face of the Lord, like iron made burning hot in a fire and brought out, and it emits sparks and is incandescent. Thus, even I saw the face of the Lord. But the face of the Lord is not to be talked about; it is so very marvelous, supremely awesome, and supremely frightening. And who am I to give an account of the incomprehensible being of the Lord, and of his face, so extremely strange and indescribable?"This passage is of critical importance to me when considering interactions between non-human intelligence (NHI) and humanity.

From my perspective as a UFO researcher, Enoch's celestial encounter can be interpreted in ways that align with modern descriptions of contact with extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings:
1. Encounter with an Advanced, Non-Human Intelligence
Enoch’s description of the "face of the Lord" could be seen as an ancient attempt to describe an encounter with an NHI possessing incomprehensible technology or an entirely different form of existence. His vivid depiction—"like iron made burning hot in a fire"—resembles modern accounts of UFO sightings featuring bright, metallic, radiant entities or craft, as frequently reported by experiencers.
2. Overwhelming Psychological and Emotional Impact
Enoch’s reaction—expressing awe, fear, and an inability to describe what he saw—parallels modern reports of close encounters with UFOs or aliens. Many experiencers describe profound wonder and an overwhelming emotional or spiritual impact, struggling to articulate their experience. The divine face being "supremely strange and indescribable" mirrors witness reports of NHIs and their technology appearing beyond human comprehension.
3. Theophany as Contact with Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional Beings
In UFO research, ancient theophanies—visions or encounters with divine figures—are sometimes reinterpreted as potential interactions with advanced extraterrestrial beings, perceived as gods by early civilizations. The intense brightness and emission of "sparks" could suggest energy fields, plasma-based entities, or highly advanced technology beyond human understanding.
4. The "Celestial Realm" as a Hypothesis for Other Dimensions or Worlds
The celestial realm in the text could be interpreted not as a purely religious or mythological concept, but as a representation of otherworldly dimensions or extraterrestrial realms. This aligns with modern theories about parallel universes, higher-dimensional beings, or extraterrestrial civilizations operating beyond our normal perception.
5. Communication and Knowledge Transmission
Enoch’s humility and awe in facing the divine presence reflect a theme common in UFO contact narratives, where experiencers claim to receive profound, yet overwhelming, insights or guidance from NHIs. The passage suggests a form of communication or impartation of wisdom too complex for human comprehension—similar to accounts where experiencers struggle to process advanced concepts allegedly shared with them.
6. Physical Manifestation of Energy-Based Entities
The description of the Lord’s face emitting sparks and being incandescent could suggest an energy-based life form or an advanced intelligence manifesting in ways ancient people interpreted using their limited frame of reference—fire and metal. Today, such descriptions align with reports of plasma-like beings or UFOs with radiant, shape-shifting characteristics.
These six possibilities are crucial to consider in our interpretation, as they tie directly to my earlier series, The UFO Faith Enigma. In that series, I discussed the findings of Joe Jordan of MUFON, who led a study across various reported encounters with Grey aliens and other NHIs. His research revealed that many abductees or experiencers claimed to have stopped unwanted interactions with these entities by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.
Think about that—cases of individuals reportedly halting alien abductions simply by calling out the name of Jesus Christ.
In part two of my series, I also mentioned an intriguing account shared by Luis “Lue” Elizondo, formerly of the Department of Defense. According to Elizondo, his superior once ordered him to stop investigating UFOs—not due to national security or technological concerns, but for a far more spiritual reason. His superior suggested that the phenomenon might have a demonic nature, citing biblical texts to support this claim.
Can you see where I’m going with this? Right—of course you do. It’s only fair to now ask the question: Could UAPs and NHIs be either angels, demons, or perhaps both?

The Egg UFO: A Divine Moment of Blissful Emotional Serenity
After watching last night’s explosive revelation from the new UAP whistleblower, Jacob Barber, on NewsNation's highly anticipated program, Hunting UFOs: The Crash Retrieval Whistleblower, with Ross Coulthart, I was struck by the emotional depth of Barber's experience.
The most anticipated moment for many viewers, myself included, was the release of the Egg UFO crash retrieval footage. However, it was revealed that the video shown was not the actual event Barber described, but rather footage from another whistleblower who took great personal risk in delivering it to NewsNation, which had reportedly held onto the evidence for over a year.
Yet, what stood out to me most was Barber’s vivid description of the profound, euphoric state he experienced while approaching the Egg UFO and later lifting and transporting it. As he hovered 150 feet above the object with his helicopter, carrying it 20 miles to the drop site, he felt an overwhelming sense of connection and serenity.
During the interview, Barber, a man of great strength and conviction—honed by his military service and his black belt in Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu—shifted from a factual recounting of events to a deeply emotional reflection. His voice cracked, and tears welled up in his eyes as he described the experience as one of divine intervention.
In various religious traditions, including Christianity, Barber’s description of a feminine force of power and love resonates with spiritual encounters reported by others—such as Chris Bledsoe, whose experiences suggest a similar connection with these entities. The parallels between Barber and Bledsoe’s experiences suggest a cohesive and compelling narrative of human encounters with a higher, possibly non-human, intelligence.
And now I want to think of how we analyzed Enoch's celestial encounter to interpret ways that we think align with contemporary descriptions of contact with extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings.
There were areas that from a UFO researcher perspective into NHI, we can now use to do an analysis of Barber and the Egg UFO through the lens of these categories:
Encounter with an Advanced, Non-Human Intelligence
Barber’s description of feeling an intense connection with the Egg UFO suggests an interaction with an advanced non-human intelligence (NHI). His account of the object's radiant energy and overwhelming presence parallels modern UFO encounters where experiencers describe a profound sense of awe and inexplicable connection. The notion that the object "tuned in" to him and provided guidance aligns with theories that NHIs possess technology or consciousness far beyond human understanding, potentially capable of direct human interaction at a cognitive or spiritual level.
Overwhelming Psychological and Emotional Impact
Barber's emotional reaction—crying and feeling overwhelmed—closely mirrors the psychological and emotional responses often reported in UFO and NHI encounters. Many experiencers describe a profound mix of fear, awe, and reverence when facing something beyond their comprehension. His description of being "possessed by the most beautiful spirit" suggests a deep internal shift, an experience frequently cited in UFO abduction and contact cases where individuals report feelings of enlightenment, terror, or spiritual transformation.
Theophany as Contact with Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional Beings
Barber’s encounter can be interpreted as a modern theophany—an experience of divine manifestation. In ancient times, such encounters were often framed within religious or spiritual contexts, perceived as divine interventions or interactions with angels or gods. Similarly, Barber's feeling of a “feminine energy” and profound guidance suggests that NHIs may have been mistaken for divine beings throughout history. The parallels with biblical and religious texts, such as Enoch’s encounter with the Lord’s "face," lend credibility to the idea that these experiences are not new but have been occurring throughout human history under different interpretations.
The 'Celestial Realm' as a Hypothesis for Other Dimensions or Worlds
Barber’s description of the experience, particularly the sensation of being transported into a different state of consciousness or awareness, raises the possibility that the Egg UFO could be an interdimensional object. The concept of a "celestial realm" may align with modern theories of parallel dimensions or alternate realities that exist beyond the perception of our physical senses. His experience of the UFO’s presence influencing his mind and emotions could suggest that such objects are gateways to or manifestations from higher dimensions of existence.
Communication and Knowledge Transmission
Barber’s sense that the UFO was "guiding" him implies a form of communication that transcends traditional language or sensory input. Many experiencers report receiving sudden insights, telepathic messages, or heightened awareness during close encounters. His feelings of divine presence and guidance suggest that NHIs may be capable of transmitting knowledge or influencing human consciousness in ways that are not yet fully understood by science but align with historical accounts of divine inspiration or prophetic visions.
Physical Manifestation of Energy-Based Entities
The physical description of the Egg UFO—its luminosity, sense of presence, and effect on Barber—suggests the possibility that NHIs might exist in a form beyond solid matter, potentially as energy-based entities. Many UFO sightings describe objects that appear to change form, radiate energy, or defy known physical laws. Barber’s reaction to the object, describing it as both beautiful and overwhelming, aligns with accounts of plasma-like or light-based beings that can manifest in ways that seem ethereal or supernatural.
Jacob Barber’s experience, when analyzed through these six perspectives, suggests a profound encounter that transcends conventional explanations. Whether viewed as an interaction with an advanced intelligence, a psychological-spiritual transformation, or an event with interdimensional or theophanic implications, it offers compelling parallels to both modern UFO research and ancient religious encounters. The emotional and spiritual aspects of his experience highlight the enduring complexity of human-NHI interactions and their profound impact on those who encounter them.

Possessed by the Most Beautiful Spirit
I would now like to provide a summary of two significant events and their relation to NHI encounters, as experienced by Barber, Bledsoe, and many others.
The first event is The Lady of Fátima (1917). In 1917, three shepherd children in Fátima, Portugal, reported a series of apparitions of a luminous female figure they identified as the Virgin Mary. The Lady of Fátima conveyed messages urging humanity to pray for peace and an end to World War I. The children experienced profound emotional and psychological responses, including awe, fear, and spiritual enlightenment. Witnesses at the final apparition reported unusual atmospheric phenomena, including the famous "Miracle of the Sun," during which the sun was said to dance in the sky, change colors, and emit radiant light.
The second event is The Virgin of Guadalupe (1531). In 1531, an indigenous peasant named Juan Diego claimed to have encountered an apparition of the Virgin Mary on the hill of Tepeyac in present-day Mexico. Described as a beautiful and radiant woman, the apparition provided him with guidance and instructed him to deliver messages to local religious authorities. As proof of the encounter, an image of the Virgin was miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego’s cloak—an artifact that remains an object of veneration today. Juan Diego’s experience, much like Barber's, was characterized by a deep emotional and spiritual impact, leading to widespread religious devotion.
These two well-known events fall within the Catholic tradition of historical divine interactions between people and angelic entities.
Now, let us analyze both events through the lens of NHI Encounters, examining them from the perspectives of Theophany as Contact with Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional Beings, Communication and Knowledge Transmission, and Overwhelming Psychological and Emotional Impact, much like Barber’s experience with the Egg UFO.
Is This Theophany as Contact with Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional Beings?
Absolutely. In both cases, the apparitions were perceived within the cultural and religious frameworks of their time and interpreted as divine interventions by the Virgin Mary. However, when viewed through the lens of modern UFO and NHI encounters, these experiences bear striking similarities to encounters with highly advanced, otherworldly entities. The luminous, radiant figures seen by Juan Diego and the children of Fátima align with descriptions of energy-based beings or interdimensional visitors that transcend human understanding. The "Miracle of the Sun" at Fátima could also be re-examined as a possible manifestation of advanced technology or an NHI-controlled phenomenon.
Communication and Knowledge Transmission?
Yes. In both events, the apparitions provided messages and guidance—encouraging prayer, spiritual transformation, and specific actions, such as the construction of a church in Guadalupe. This mirrors the phenomenon experienced by Barber, who felt as though the Egg UFO was transmitting guidance and wisdom to him in a way that transcended conventional communication. In UFO research, experiencers often report telepathic or subconscious knowledge transfers from NHIs, leading to heightened awareness and new perspectives on life and existence.
An Overwhelming Psychological and Emotional Impact?
Yes. Much like Barber's reaction to his encounter with the Egg UFO, both Juan Diego and the Fátima children experienced profound emotional and psychological transformations. They reported feelings of divine presence, awe, and a mix of overwhelming love and reverence, combined with fear and a sense of responsibility. Witnesses to the apparitions also described a deep spiritual awakening, similar to modern UFO experiencers who describe their encounters as life-changing and spiritually profound.
Thus, the encounters at Fátima and Guadalupe, when viewed from the perspective of UFO research, suggest intriguing parallels to modern NHI interactions. Whether seen as religious theophanies or extraterrestrial/interdimensional contacts, both events involve themes of advanced intelligence, profound emotional impact, and transformative guidance. These historical experiences provide further evidence that humanity may have been encountering NHIs throughout history, interpreting them through the lens of faith and cultural understanding of the time.
The point is that the past shows us that what we humans perceived to be angelic or demonic could perhaps have been terrestrial-born, native NHIs that have coexisted alongside humanity since some early point in our planet's 4-billion-year journey—becoming ultraterrestrial or interdimensional residents of this earthly realm we call home.
My UFO Faith Enigma series wasn’t merely about unidentified flying objects; it stands as an inquiry into the depths of human belief and the possibility that our spiritual narratives might intertwine with extraterrestrial realities.
With Barber, Bledsoe, the children of Fátima, and Juan Diego of Tepeyac, we may be witnessing the interaction of such entities—etheric in nature—revealing that we are not alone. That God and the universe hold deeper knowledge that, until now, has been sequestered. However, with our new technological advancements and the ability to synthesize thousands of years' worth of texts, inscriptions, and carvings, we are beginning to understand both ourselves and them.

The Object's Radiant Energy
One final area of note from the interview that I feel connects to the heavenly and etheric nature of UAP and NHI engagement is "the object's radiant energy."
In the post-interview segment, Ross Coulthart Exposes New UAP Video and Whistleblower: What's Next? | Reality Check, Dr. Jim Segala, PhD, who, incidentally, spent eleven years working with parapsychologist Hal Puthoff (CIA, SRI-1972), spoke with Coulthart about the aftereffects experienced by participants in UAP crash retrieval operations. These included burn marks across their bodies, as well as extreme incidents—such as what happened to Barber, where large segments of skin instantly fell off his arms and legs. Barber also reported a newly developed heart murmur, which Dr. Segala noted was a common occurrence among others in the field.
This phenomenon reminds me of the Ark of the Covenant and the stories told of its radiant power and danger.
According to Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, the Ark of the Covenant—believed to house the Ten Commandments given to Moses—has been kept at the Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum, Ethiopia. It is said to be so dangerous that it must always remain covered during transport, and only virgin monks are allowed to see it. Numerous accounts suggest that monks who came into direct contact with the Ark suffered blindness and later died from what appeared to be radiation poisoning.
Biblical descriptions from 1 Samuel 5:6-12 speak of plagues and painful tumors afflicting those who came into contact with the Ark. Similarly, 2 Samuel recounts how a Levite named Uzzah was struck dead for merely touching it.
Could Barber’s and others’ reports of burn marks, disorientation, migraine headaches, and unexplained heart murmurs reveal the radiant power of these UAPs?
Yes, there is much more to explore, and I intend to use 2025 as the launching pad for my exploration into the intersection of UAPs, NHIs, the paranormal, and religion to help us form a better understanding.
So please stay with me and support my work by acquiring my books: UFO Nexus, UFO Highway 2.0, and The Modern UFO/UAP Researcher’s Handbook.
God bless.
Anthony is the author of the books ‘UFO Nexus‘, ‘UFO Highway 2.0‘, and ‘The Modern UFO/UAP Researcher’s Handbook‘ available in paperback or eBook @
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YouTube Videos:
NewsNation. (2025, January 18). *Whistleblower reveals UAP retrieval program; object caught on video* [Video]. YouTube.
NewsNation. (2025, January 18). *Ross Coulthart exposes new UAP video and whistleblower: What's next? | Reality Check* [Video]. YouTube.
Online News Article:
Coulthart, R. (2025, January 19). *Full special: Whistleblower reveals UAP retrieval program; object caught on video*. NewsNation.
Brown, L. (2021, February 23). *Christians in Ethiopia never saw ‘Ark of the Covenant’ they died for.* New York Post.
Blog Articles:
Sanchez, A. F. (2024, February 2). *Unearthly revelations: The UFO-faith enigma, part one – UFOs, non-human entities, and their spiritual connection.* UFO Currents.
Sanchez, A. F. (2024, February 9). *Unearthly revelations: The UFO-faith enigma, part two – Unraveling undiscovered realms: Are aliens demonic or divine?* UFO Currents.
Sanchez, A. F. (2024, February 17). *Unearthly revelations: The UFO-faith enigma, part three – The unseen dimensions: Exploring the UFO-religious nexus.* UFO Currents.
Conference Proceedings (Online):
Orlov, A. (2000). Ex 33 on God's face: A lesson from the Enochic tradition. *Seminar Papers 39, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting* (pp. 130-147). Society of Biblical Literature. Retrieved from [](,supremely%20awesome%20and%20supremely%20frightening)
Explore the untold connections between alien realms, advanced technology, and humanity’s hidden history in Anthony F. Sanchez’s latest books—where cosmic secrets meet government cover-ups.
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