Control Revealed: Encounter Beyond the Veil

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

From the outside of my window, the sky was a tempest of ominous, rapidly moving clouds, pierced by strange, resonant sounds. As the early evening unfolded, I, along with many others, witnessed an awe-inspiring sight: a vast, unimaginably advanced UFO far beyond what any of us had ever imagined possible. Its design was unmistakably alien, yet eerily human-like at the same time. The vessel’s exterior was adorned with unfamiliar inscriptions, symbols that defied recognition, but fitted with designs almost reminiscent of modern stealth military craft.

In that moment, visions were thrust into my mind, not by my own volition but seemingly projected telepathically. I saw a young woman—ordinary in stature yet extraordinary in presence. Her olive skin and large almond-shaped eyes were striking, her form clad in a skin-tight, white bodysuit of a glossy, latex-like material. She held a pad, a device of unknown purpose, and communicated messages of an impending encounter with the ship's occupants.

She revealed that these beings were distant cousins of humanity, hidden from our technology and beyond our perception, dwelling deep within the moon and beneath the ice of Antarctica. 

Images of small human-like aliens, slightly shorter than the average person, filled my mind. They showed images of them onboard the ship as continued messages entered my mind, and perhaps everyone else's too, claiming to be here to guide humanity. The woman stressed that this was not an act of control but a necessary direction to prevent the collapse of human civilization. She conveyed a sense of inevitability, that their arrival and subsequent guidance were beyond our ability to thwart.

In her projections, only a few human faces appeared, hinting at past interactions with these extraterrestrials. These world leaders, she indicated, were already aware of the aliens and were patiently waiting for this moment.

The message was clear: our distant cousins had arrived, and the world would soon change in ways unimaginable, guided by forces both alien and familiar.


Now, For an Explanation...

As a UFO researcher, I am at times compelled to weave narratives that resonate with the ongoing developments and the profound discourse surrounding the UFO phenomenon. Recent events have underscored the urgency and legitimacy of this subject. The congressional hearings on UAPs and UFOs have brought unprecedented transparency and governmental acknowledgment of these mysterious encounters. The Sol Symposium at Stanford last year gathered some of the brightest minds to discuss these anomalies, further pushing these very boundaries and challenging our understanding.

Also, influential figures such as American theoretical physicist Jack Sarfatti, who has long postulated on advanced propulsion theories, and Luis “Lue” Elizondo, the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), have provided invaluable insights into the technological and existential implications of these phenomena, and possibly even religious ones as well. Their work, alongside the life-long research of Dr. Jacques Vallée, renowned for his meticulous study of UFOs and their impact on human culture, and his calls for an exploration beyond the traditional four-dimensional construct of time and space, hinting at undiscovered realms of consciousness or existence, have significantly shaped the current landscape of UFOlogy.

Thus, my own work is often and deeply influenced by these modern events and thinkers. This short story, "Control Revealed: Encounter Beyond the Veil," aims to encapsulate the essence of the mystery and the potential revelations that lie ahead. Yes, by blending the scientific with the speculative, my hope is to engage you the readers in contemplating the profound implications of these encounters. Are you prepared?


Anthony is the author of the books ‘UFO Nexus‘, and ‘UFO Highway 2.0‘,

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