The UFO Coffee Cup Conundrum

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

Let's talk about the slightly less harmonious symphony that is the unity (or lack thereof) in the Ufological Community.

My personal journey within has been one of profound discovery and connection, offering insights into mysteries that have long intrigued me and many others. This community, driven by a quest for understanding the unknown, has been a source of fascination and growth, helping to shape my perspective on the world.

However, there are moments that underscore a less admirable aspect of this field: a tendency towards pettiness and exclusion. I've observed an unsettling pattern where individuals, initially extending the hand of friendship, later act in ways that betray the spirit of collaboration and openness.

Recently, two individuals exemplified this disappointing behavior, metaphorically dropping a freshly poured "coffee cup" of goodwill, shattering it with actions that, while seemingly minor, were deeply felt. One person, we'll call him "Guy", despite initiating contact, blatantly ignored a friendly gesture I extended on social media, choosing to engage with others while overlooking my comment. Another, who we'll call "Other Guy", after I enthusiastically supported their work, similarly dismissed my engagement, focusing instead on those who questioned them aggressively, and everyone else who engaged. Just not me.

These interactions, occurring within a community I hold dear, remind me of why I once stepped back, seeking refuge in the paranormal field, only to find similar dynamics at play there. 

Which makes me ponder... what drives someone to seek connection only to later withdraw or exclude? This remains a puzzling aspect of human behavior to me.

Contrastingly, my experiences with a myriad of UFO Facebook friends, and a multitude of my fellow MUFON members have been overwhelmingly positive, showcasing the best aspects of the ufological community. Their kindness, generosity, and genuine curiosity far outweigh the negativity encountered elsewhere.

So, this is the tale of "The UFO Coffee Cup Conundrum" – a story not just of broken coffee cups and spilled contents, but of the broader challenges of building a truly inclusive and supportive community within the realms of ufology and beyond.

In conclusion, I emphasize the importance of kindness, gratitude, and respect towards one another.

* * * 

Anthony is the author of the 2023 book ‘UFO Highway 2.0‘,

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