Groundbreaking Correlations: The 1947 FBI Letter and Contemporary Theories on Non-Human Entities


By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

In 2011, the public release of a previously classified 1947 report revealed a detailed account from an FBI special agent, who also held the rank of lieutenant colonel, regarding non-human entities and flying saucers. His identity remains classified for national security reasons, but his extensive research, which includes physical and technological descriptions as well as their ethereal origins, aligns with modern ufological hypotheses and narratives. This intriguing letter from the past continues to resonate with and influence contemporary theories in the study of unidentified flying objects.

The report suggests that some alien entities might originate from an 'ethereal plane' existing alongside our physical universe. Described as large, translucent figures, these entities reportedly have the ability to materialize on Earth.

The document, although somewhat unclear, implies that the UFOs entering Earth's atmosphere might be pulsating or changing shape, possibly due to their origin from an unknown dimension. This theory aligns with numerous global UFO sightings, where crafts and orbs display an energy that seems unreal or otherworldly.

It’s important to note that this information comes from a letter to the FBI, not an official statement by the agency. The author, who claimed his insights were from "visions," addressed this letter to distinguished scientists, aeronautical and military authorities, and public officials. The declassified document, sent from the FBI's San Francisco office to Washington, D.C., discusses UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena. A mention in the letter reads, “Lt. Colonel _X_X_ of G2, San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington.”

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The letter dated July 8, 1947, discusses a potentially serious situation regarding flying saucers and their interaction with Earth. 

The key points of the letter were as follows:

1. Crewed and Remote-Controlled Craft: Some of the disks have crews, while others operate under remote control.

2. Peaceful Mission with Intent to Settle: The mission of these visitors is peaceful, and they are considering settling on Earth.

3. Human-like Appearance, Larger Size: The visitors are described as resembling humans but are significantly larger.

4. Origin from Another World: They are not spirits of deceased Earth people but originate from their own distinct world.

5. Non-Physical Planet Origin: They come from an 'etheric' planet that coexists with ours but is imperceptible to us.

6. Materialization and Dematerialization: Their bodies and crafts materialize upon matching the vibratory rate of our dense matter and can dematerialize to reenter the etheric realm.

7. Defensive Energy: The disks have a type of radiant energy or ray capable of disintegrating any attacking ship and can vanish from sight by reentering the etheric realm.

8. Not from the Astral Plane: Their origin is not the astral plane but rather from a dimension known as the Lokas or Talas, terms familiar to students of esoteric subjects.

9. Communication Possibilities: They may not be reachable via radio but potentially could be detected by radar, pending the development of an appropriate signaling system.

The addendum provides further details about the craft's structure and composition. It describes the saucers as oval-shaped and fluted, made of a heat-resistant metal or alloy unknown on Earth. The crafts are divided into three sections: the front contains controls, the middle serves as a laboratory, and the rear houses armament, primarily an energy apparatus, possibly a ray.

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Analyzing a key point from the 1947 letter which mentions "Crewed and Remote-Controlled Craft," I find the notion of remote control particularly relevant to today’s UAP sightings. Many theorize these could be drones, either autonomously operated by AI or remotely controlled by a non-human terrestrial entity for reconnaissance or interaction with the military.

The peaceful intent of these visitors, as stated in the letter, raises the possibility of them settling on Earth, potentially above ground. This theory aligns with speculation about subterranean entities, with places like Mount Shasta, Antarctica, Dulce in New Mexico, and areas around Area 51 and Nellis AFB being cited for having ancient, advanced civilizations, possibly surpassing human development.

The description of these visitors as "Human-like Appearance, Larger Size" makes me think of known groups like the Progenitors, Anunnaki, and Tall Whites, as well as advanced ancient human-like beings with tall stature and dark skin, similar to Asiatic or Black American features.

Their non-earthly origin, as indicated in the letter, sparks curiosity about whether these could be Angelic or Demonic beings, or perhaps Cryptoterrestrials (as per Mac Tonnies) or Ultraterrestrials (John A. Keel). The concept of them originating from an 'etheric' planet parallel to ours but invisible to us opens up discussions about these types of entities.

Furthermore, their ability to materialize in our physical realm by aligning with the vibratory rate of our dense matter and then dematerialize into the etheric realm resonates with Dr. Jacques Vallée’s hypothesis. He suggests an exploration beyond our conventional four-dimensional space-time, indicating unseen realms of consciousness or existence. This implies that these crafts could be outside our perceptual realm, visible only through mental telepathy or other forms of mental communication.

The Spiritual and Otherworldly Dimensions

Louis "Lue" Elizondo, a former intelligence officer at the Department of Defense, recounted an intriguing directive from a superior to halt UFO investigations. The reasoning was not rooted in national security or technological advancements but suggested a spiritual dimension, with implications of these phenomena being demonic, as supported by biblical references. This narrative aligns unexpectedly with the 1947 letter's mention of entities from an 'etheric plane,' suggesting a non-physical, spiritual dimension to their existence.

Similarly, Joe Jordan from MUFON presented cases where invoking the name of Jesus Christ allegedly halted alien abductions. This intersection of spirituality and alien encounters echoes the letter’s hint at entities that are beyond our conventional understanding of extraterrestrial life.

Beyond Conventional Space-Time

Dr. Jacques Vallée's call to explore realms beyond our four-dimensional understanding of time and space finds an intriguing parallel in the 1947 letter. The entities described in the letter are said to originate from the Lokas or Talas – terms from esoteric knowledge implying dimensions or states of consciousness beyond our everyday perception.

Correlation with Military Testimonies and Government Disclosure

This letter gains significant relevance in light of recent testimonies by military personnel like David Grusch, David Fravor, Ryan Graves, and Kevin Day. Their accounts have forced the U.S. government to acknowledge the reality of UAPs and potentially non-human entities, challenging previous denials and secrecy.

Broader Implications for Ufology

The letter’s description of entities from another dimension named Lokas or Talas opens new avenues for discourse, inviting experts like author Brad Olsen (Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet) to explore these concepts further. Because to me, this aligns with John A. Keel’s Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis, which posits that such entities might originate from beyond our known physical universe, and Mac Tonnies’ Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis, suggesting a hidden terrestrial origin for these beings.

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Anthony is the author of the 2023 book ‘UFO Nexus‘,

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