Are the Progenitors the Pleiadeans or Nordics?


By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & UFO Researcher
For UFO Currents

Looking into the nature of the Progenitors, as depicted by Colonel X during our January 2010 discussions on Dulce, NM, we are led to consider beings of extraordinary origin and characteristics. For instance, these entities are believed to have originated from the Zeta Reticuli star system before migrating to the Sirius system. Also, their physical form is notably different from humans, as they are described as considerably taller, with strikingly pale, almost translucent skin, suggesting an absence of typical human pigmentation, perhaps hinting at their otherworldly nature.

Moreover, their facial features are distinctively elongated and finely structured, giving them an angular, almost ethereal appearance. Their eyes are remarkably large, twice the size of a human's, with a reduced sclera, the 'whites' of the eyes, and light-colored irises that range from light-blue to violet hues. The diversity in their hair color, spanning blue to white, adds to their unique visage.

This description indeed sounds extraordinary. However, considering the vast array of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) technologies observed, such as the Tic-Tac, metallic spheres, and the recently revealed 'Jelly Fish' like stealth objects visible only through thermal imaging, it seems plausible that multiple non-human terrestrial entities exist among us. 

This aligns with Mac Tonnies' Cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, suggesting the presence of ancient subterranean beings who may view our growing numbers as a potential threat. Our advancing technology might be bridging the gap, allowing us to encounter these entities more frequently and possibly on more equal terms.

Exploring the concept of Cryptoterrestrials opens up the possibility of encountering entities from diverse geographical regions, such as North America, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and Europe. These ancient and concealed beings could exhibit a wide array of physical appearances, reflecting the diversity of the regions they are associated with. 

Or it is perhaps that they are not human-looking at all, and are more alien in appearance with blue or grey skin, large eyes, and other non-humanoid features. This alternative portrayal challenges our preconceived notions of Cryptoterrestrials and suggests a more diverse spectrum of appearances than previously thought.

While some hypothesize that these beings might blend in with humanity due to their terrestrial origin, another theory posits that they could be distinctly different from any human or known terrestrial creature. This perspective proposes that Cryptoterrestrials might possess blue or grey skin tones, a feature often associated with extraterrestrial beings in popular culture. Such skin colors would be strikingly different from any human pigmentation, suggesting a biological makeup vastly different from our own.

Their eyes could be significantly larger than human eyes, perhaps adapted for low light environments or other unique conditions not found on the Earth's surface. These eyes might not only be physically prominent but could also possess unique abilities, like enhanced night vision or an extended perceptual range.

Additionally, these beings might have other physical features that are uncharacteristic of humans. This could include elongated limbs, a lack of hair, or even an entirely different physical structure that defies human anatomical norms. Their movements, behaviors, and even communication methods might be radically different, suggesting a complex and perhaps advanced form of life that has evolved separately from known terrestrial species.

In this context, Cryptoterrestrials could be as varied as the regions they hail from, with adaptations and characteristics that reflect their unique environments. From beings with aquatic features suited to hidden underwater realms to entities adapted to extreme cold in polar regions, the possibilities are endless. This diversity not only challenges our understanding of life on Earth but also opens up a vast array of possibilities for the types of beings that might share the planet with us, hidden in plain sight or in concealed ecosystems.

As for the Pleiadeans, George Adamski was a pioneer in claiming contact with 'Nordic' aliens in the 1950s. The mythology around these beings often includes telepathy, benevolence, and physical attractiveness, features commonly attributed to the 'Aryan' archetype. The Plejaren, previously known as Pleiadeans from the Pleiades constellation, are often characterized by these traits.

In my view, these Pleiadean entities differ from the Progenitors as described by Colonel X. The diversity in descriptions and attributes among these groups suggests a vast and complex tapestry of extraterrestrial and possibly cryptoterrestrial beings, each with their unique characteristics and histories.

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Anthony is the author of the 2023 book ‘UFO Nexus‘,

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